We have manufactured our advice service. It is specific to Professional Assured. We also distribute products (they typically from part of our advice strategies).

We have considered the cost of our services and the overall cost to you including other providers in the overall supply chain. Price is important, though value is much more than price. We measure value by how much our clients appreciate what we give them. It is the worth they associate with everything we do for them.

Central to our assessment is data – its collection and monitoring.

We have focused on data for a number of years. This data includes information published on the open market, feedback from our customers and management information available within Professional Assured.

Our value assessment framework considers price and benchmarking, it looks at customer feedback, it measures certain Key Performance Indicators.

We feel our fees and services represent good value to our clients.

We are fully transparent on what we charge and the services you buy for these charges. We will disclose our costs and services to you prior to you instructing us to act on your behalf.

For further information,
please call us on 020 7256 9878
or email us advice@professionalassured.co.uk
and we will get back to you.